
Tennis Court Construction

Tennis court construction begins with selecting a qualified & licensed specialty tennis court contractor in your area. It is always smart to hire a local contractor to provide the work as many out of the area contractors will not be able to service you as well as a local contractor. At Armor Courts, we take pride in our custom-built tennis court designs and tennis court construction services we provide for private residences, resorts, homeowners associations, parks, & schools.


Your project will require a detailed plan as there are many things to consider. You need to consider all the city and or county requirements for permitting the project. Our design professionals are familiar most of the requirements, however cities and counties often make changes that we are not aware of and we may not have that information until the time of permitting so additional information maybe required.


The first thing to consider is the size of court. A standard size tennis court measures 60’ wide x 120’ long and are almost always oriented north to south to avoid the rising and setting sun being directly in your eyes while playing. Courts can vary in size but are generally not less than 55’ wide x 115’ long for a single court. Once your size & site has been selected, we will guide you through the options for the type of surfacing, fencing, and lighting. These are the most basic elements in estimating what the final cost will be.


In most case courts in Florida are constructed of a lime rock base material with a finish course of asphalt for the playing surface. Because we are not susceptible to freeze thaw conditions the thickness of the asphalt does not exceed 1 ½” thick and is the preferred surface for new construction. Concrete maybe another option however most prefer asphalt as it is more economical and has water resistant properties that concrete does not have. Once the foundation has been installed and the asphalt in place it does require a cure time prior to installing the coatings. Your estimator will go over the details with you at length, so you have a complete understanding of the process. We do not sit around and wait while the court is curing, we will be installing the fencing, lighting, & net posts. Depending on the surface coating it is generally the quickest part of the new construction, taking only a few days for a single court. Once the coatings have been applied and the court has been striped it will be ready for play the next day.


There are many different types of surfacing to choose from, which can vary greatly in cost. Here are a few that we will discuss with you on your first visit.


» Basic acrylic coated surfacing
» Rubberized cushion surfacing
» State of the art Polyurethane Gel court surfacing
» Roll out cushion systems


All the surfacing products we carry are from Laykold and have a manufacturer back warranty that vary by product. Laykold is the surface provider for the US Open and maintains the highest quality paint in the industry.
We offer a rainbow of standard colors, we can also do custom colors to match your favorite team or family crest.


Call us today and request a complementary estimate.


Tennis Court Dimensions

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